Ljubljana, 14. marec 2021 – Poslanec Slovenske ljudske stranke v Evropskem parlamentu in podpredsednik Slovenske ljudske stranke Franc Bogovič (SLS/EPP) v tokratnem članku za spletni portal Slovenec razmišlja o problematiki mikroplastike in ukrepih za rešitve, ki jih vidi predvsem v smeri zmanjševanja nenamernih emisij mikroplastike, predvsem iz tekstila in pnevmatik. Celoten komentar Bogoviča o problemu →
Serbia on the way to EU
Poročilo evropskega poslanca Franca Bogoviča o njegovem delu v Evropskem parlamentu v mandatu 2014 – 2019
Slovenska ljudska stranka je prvič v svoji zgodovini imela poslanski mandat v Evropskem parlamentu z enim poslanskim sedežem v okviru politične skupine Evropske ljudske stranke z mandatom evropskega poslanca Franca Bogoviča, ki je SLS prvenstveno zastopal na področju politike regionalnega razvoja in kmetijstva ter na mnogih drugih področjih in vsebinskih projektnih skupinah, ki so →
Bogovič na ATV Litija: Teorija odprtih meja, je pogubna!
Slovenija je odlična priložnost za nadaljnji razvoj in uvajanje sprememb na področju kmetijstva in Pametnih vasi Litija, januar 2019 – Evropski poslanec Franc Bogovič (SLS/EPP) je v intervjuju za ATV Litija spregovoril o aktualni migrantski politiki ter razlogih, ki so pripeljali do trenutne situacije v Evropi. Kot pravi, se jasno vidi problem evropskih držav, →
MEPs Bogovič and Fajon call for a better perspective for the youth of the Western Balkans
Brussels, 21 June 2016 – With today’s conference ‘Better future for the youth in the Western Balkans’ – organized with the support of the Slovenian Ministry for Foreign Affairs – Slovenian members of the European Parliament Tanja Fajon (S&D) and Franc Bogovič (EPP) stressed the importance of ensuring a better perspective for the region’s youth. →
Vabilo na konferenco ?Better future for the youth in the Western Balkans?
V Evropskem parlamentu v Bruslju v torek, 21. junija 2016, evropski poslanec Franc Bogovič skupaj z evropsko poslanko Tanjo Fajon organizira konferenco z naslovom Better future for the youth in the Western Balkans. Namen konference je predstaviti skrb za prihodnost mladih v državah Zahodnega Balkana kot prizadevanje Slovenije, ki se izvaja na →
INVITATION / Better future for the youth in the Western Balkans
Better future for the youth in the Western Balkans Tuesday, 21 June 2016, from 9:30 to 13:00 European Parliament, room P4B001, Brussels A conference hosted by MEP Franc Bogovič and MEP Tanja Fajon Following the idea born in the framework of the Berlin process to improve the perspective of young generations in the Western →
Bogovič: Stable, democratic and economically successful Serbia is a prerequisite for stable entire Western Balkans
The EU must help Serbia on a path of urgent economic reforms Strasbourg, 3 February 2016 ? On today’s third day of the February European Parliament session, Franc Bogovič, MEP (SLS/EPP), greeted the Report on progress of Serbia in 2015. In his opinion the report is balanced and very motivating, for which he →
Bogovič: The EU must open first negotiation chapters with Serbia as soon as possible this year and increase financial support for the countries currently most affected with refugee crisis
Meeting of the European MPs group Friends of Serbia with the Serbian minister for European integration Jadranka Joksimović on the process of Serbian moving closer to the EU and on refugee crisis Brussels, 16 September 2015 ? Member of the European Parliament Franc Bogovič (SLS/EPP) ? a member of the Delegation to the →
Tanjug / Joksimović, Bogovič discuss EU integration, funds
Beograd, 28 August 2015 – / via Tanjug – Serbian News Agency Serbia’s Minister responsible for EU integration Jadranka Joksimovic and Slovenia’s MEP Franc Bogovic discussed in Belgrade on Friday Serbia’s next steps in the EU integration process, and Bogovic voiced the expectation that initial chapters in the →