Bruselj, 6. november 2014 ? Predsednik SLS in poslanec RS v Evropskem parlamentu Franc Bogovič je danes podpisal izjavo podpore pobudi hrvaške poslanke v EP Marijane Petrin proti gensko spremenjenim organizmom na območju Alpe-Adria. V Sloveniji je že 79 občin, ki so se zavezale, da v njihovih okoljih ne bo GSO. Po mnenju Franca Bogoviča je to le začetek, zato se bo kot poslanec RS v Evropskem parlamentu zavzemal za širjenje zavedanja o GSO, da se bo še več občin odločilo za ohranitev tradicionalnega in organskega kmetovanja.
S to pobudo bodo evropski poslanci podprli lokalne, regijske, pa tudi nacionalne oblasti, ki so se že odločile, da bodo območja brez GSO in tistim, ki to nameravajo storiti. Poleg tega želijo evropski poslanci preprečiti GSO na območjih Slovenije, Hrvaške, Italije in Madžarske.
Izjavo, ki jo je evropski poslanec in predsednik SLS Franc Bogovič danes podpisal, v angleškem izvirniku v celoti podajamo v nadaljevanju:
Joint statement of the Members of the European Parliament on supporting the initiative for the protection of the Alps-Adriatic region as GMO-free area
We, Members of the European Parliament from the EU Member States belonging to the Alps-Adriatic region, express concern about the possibility of releasing live GMOs into the environment.
We consider unacceptable and unnecessary the risk exposure of the Alps-Adriatic area to the permanent contamination with GMOs.
We are addressing this initiative to the local, regional and national authorities in the Alps-Adriatic region to encourage them to reach appropriate decisions or acts in this respect, which would represent clear expression of their commitment and the commitment of their citizens not to allow the deliberate release of GMOs into the environment in their administrative areas, and to give priority to the conventional and the organic agriculture in their areas.
We are addressing this initiative to the European Parliament, the Council, the European Commission and to the Member States as an incentive for the adoption of the appropriate regulation that would guarantee the right to the Member States and their regions to reach the decisions on GMO-free status.