The EU must help Serbia on a path of urgent economic reforms Strasbourg, 3 February 2016 ? On today’s third day of the February European Parliament session, Franc Bogovič, MEP (SLS/EPP), greeted the Report on progress of Serbia in 2015. In his opinion the report is balanced and very motivating, for which he →
Serbia on the way to EU
Bogovič: The EU must open first negotiation chapters with Serbia as soon as possible this year and increase financial support for the countries currently most affected with refugee crisis
Meeting of the European MPs group Friends of Serbia with the Serbian minister for European integration Jadranka Joksimović on the process of Serbian moving closer to the EU and on refugee crisis Brussels, 16 September 2015 ? Member of the European Parliament Franc Bogovič (SLS/EPP) ? a member of the Delegation to the →
Tanjug / Joksimović, Bogovič discuss EU integration, funds
Beograd, 28 August 2015 – / via Tanjug – Serbian News Agency Serbia’s Minister responsible for EU integration Jadranka Joksimovic and Slovenia’s MEP Franc Bogovic discussed in Belgrade on Friday Serbia’s next steps in the EU integration process, and Bogovic voiced the expectation that initial chapters in the →
Bogovič: Srbski menedžerji so najboljši amabasadorji Srbije na poti v EU
Beograd, 16. junij 2015 ? Evropski poslanec Franc Bogovič (SLS/EPP) se je na povabilo Srbskega združenja menedžerjev ? SAM (Serbian Association of Managers) in predsednika SAM Milana Petrovića kot posebni gost udeležil tradicionalnega junijskega srečanja te organizacije, ki je bilo tokrat posvečeno evropskim integracijam. Na večernem srečanju, ki je potekalo v beograjskem hotelu Falkensteiner, je →
Roundtable ?Serbia on the way to EU?: The accession must continue to ensure development and more opportunities for Serbian society
Ljubljana, 22 May 2015 ? MEP Franc Bogovič hosted a roundtable ?Serbia on the way to EU? yesterday evening. The distinguished speakers debated on Serbia’s accession process to the European Union, their motivation and the implementation of reforms, about the question of the enlargement of the EU, the positive and negative aspects of the accession →